Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Jul 2 (Tue) - Update

It’s been a busy few days.

update-envelope.pngJun 30 (Sun) - I made good progress on the new gate. I needed around 50 sq feet of reasonably flat surface to build the gate. No way I would build the gate elsewhere then move it into position. The ground is too uneven and wouldn’t be so good for my back so I decided to build it against the fence, then turn it 90 degrees and hinge it.
24-06-30-fence.jpgHere’s what that looked like by close of business Sunday.
Jul 31 (Mon) - I woke up way too early, had breakfast, then went back to bed. Woke up for the second time at 10:15 to a few JRTs getting baths in the kitchen sink. It would be another perfect day weather-wise and I was ready to finish the fence gate. By 10:30 it was decided that I would go to Vander Veer. Half-grudgingly I did. We had a fine time. Got back home to see that Kim’s brother and wife had arrived after driving from Omaha.
Kyle and Titania stopped by shortly after we returned from VV. A full house. Ellen fixed lunch, followed by visiting and a tour of the place. I finally got to working on the fence, oh, just before 3 PM or so.
After visiting a few sites around town with Ellen, Kris started helping me with the gate. Things moved right along after that. By mosquito time (5:30-ish) the gate was hung with some work still left to do. Plus moving the piles of wood into the alley.
Jul 2 (Tue) - The sun is rising behind solid overcast. It’s supposed to rain today so I expect no progress on the gate. I’ll leave for coffee in an hour or so, what happens after that is TBD. Cheers.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Jun 30 (Sun) - Update

Sun is shinin’ in the sky, there ain’t a cloooud in sight…
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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Jun 27 (Thu) - Today’s Plan

So far, so good.
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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Jun 26 (Wed) - Update

No rainbows. Not for lack of rain but because too many clouds.
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Monday, June 24, 2024

Jun 24 (Mon) - Update

Keeping you in the loop.
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