Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sep 29 (Sun) - Catching Up - Clock

I’m behind by a few articles. Here’s another one.

24-09-28-alarm-clock-art-deco-01.jpgA few months ago while driving back from composting I decided to stop in at a small mom & pop antique and junk shop and look around. Long story short I found this. An honest-to-fsm Art Deco piece! I was willing to pay up to $10 for it, he opened the haggling with $5. Sold.
24-09-28-alarm-clock-art-deco-02.jpgIt’s heavy enough, has a nest of brass sprockets and cogs inside. When I plugged it in it just sat there. I looked at the back and discovered that it had to be… get this… spin-stahted. Says so right there on the top of the back plate: “CURRENT INTERRUPTIONS WILL STOP CLOCK - RESTART & RESET”. It’s the first time in all my years on this planet that I found such a thing - a clock that must be spin-started. Cool!

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