Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sep 29 (Sun) - Catching Up

I’m behind by a few articles. Here’s one.

Several weeks ago I took a kayak trip. I started late but the water seemed to be pulling me towards it like a magnet that day so I dropped everything and headed out.
24-09-29-sunset-park-kayak-trip-m1.jpgMy plan was as you see in this map. I would put in at Lake Potter in Sunset Park, cut through the jungle between the Mississippi and Rock rivers, paddle around Turkey Island, cut back through to the Miss, and call it good.
24-09-29-sunset-park-kayak-trip-01.jpgAt the end of Floatzilla I had paddled a short way into the stream between the two rivers and discovered that someone had put a lot of work into making the waterway passable. It used to be a narrow, dank passage overgrown with trees and brush and flying bugs the size of birds. This is what the passage looked like when I started.
24-09-29-sunset-park-kayak-trip-02.jpgI paddled around the bend and saw this. Someone either got tired or fed up or ran out of money or all three.
24-09-29-sunset-park-kayak-trip-m2.jpgMy backup plan was to paddle across the Miss and mess around over at Credit Island. Which I did.
24-09-29-sunset-park-kayak-trip-03.jpgHere I am pushing upstream along Credit Island towards Willow Island. I cut around that then headed out to the middle of the Miss where I did a bunch of donuts around a buoy.
24-09-29-sunset-park-kayak-trip-04.jpgI eventually grew tired of that, paddled back to Lake Potter, got out, and went home. Before I left Sunset Park I took the pic you see here. I looked kinda grumpy because my original plan had gone sour.

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