Friday, September 13, 2024

Sep 11 (Fri) - Den Upgrade Project - Update 7

Boxes are installed.

In my last article I said I was going to install the last box. I did that.
24-09-13-den-upgrade-boxes-installed-1.jpgHere’s what that looks like. The numbers on the arrows match the box numbers on the wiring diagram. “T” is the conduit for the traveler wires between the switches at each end of the den which is above this basement room.
24-09-13-den-upgrade-boxes-installed-2.jpgI took the above picture then turned around and took the second picture so you can see boxes 6 and 8, and “T” conduit originating in box 6.
Oh, by the way, while I was pulling wires into the boxes I realized I must install one more box. Stay tuned.

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