Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sep 11 (Wed) - Den Upgrade Project - Update 6

I changed the naming format for articles relating to this project.

Bear with me as I describe the scope of this Den Upgrade project.
The project has three elements: upgrade the electric, paint walls and ceiling, get workbenches and shelves ready for use.
Upgrading the electric has the same steps as similar types of work:
Upgrade Electric Step 1 - Install boxes and conduit. This is the most challenging part because of the planning, measuring, cutting, and some rework here and there.
Upgrade Electric Step 2 - Pull wires. This is the easiest part because it’s straightforward; simply pull the wires through the conduit and boxes. I’ll make lots of trips up and down the stairs between the basement and first floor. I must report that Willow no longer stays with me in the basement while I’m working. I think her age is getting to her. I make it a point to visit her first thing when I do go upstairs.
Upgrade Electric Step 3 - Connect fixtures. Also straightforward. I’ll work ‘both ends to the middle’, starting at the switches and work towards box 12. The last connection I make will be to main power at that box.
24-09-11-den-upgrade-schem-03.pngWith that out of the way, here’s a project update. I’m almost done with Upgrade Electric Step 1. The schematic diagram next to this sentence (pdf is here) has more green because over the last few days I installed boxes 1, 12, and 13. I’m now working on the remaining box (14). That corner of the room is getting cramped electrically.
I’ve been using my on-site collection of boxes, conduit, and fittings. I ran out of two items yesterday evening and so during dusk I went out and bought what I needed so I could start first thing this morning.
I ended up sleeping until 10 AM. First thing I did was honor a commitment I made earlier. Walk across the alley to the neighbor’s house to survey the damage that the tree removal company did to his yard, his fence, and his exterior electrical. I adjusted a fence gate. He and I discussed a few things. I agreed to fix some stuff over the next month or so.
I ended up eating breakfast at 11:30 and now here I am typing away. I’m going to install the remaining box and start pulling wires. I may pull everything today if all goes well. Stay tuned.

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