Friday, August 23, 2024

Aug 23 (Fri) - AM Update

The neighbor’s yard, a broken lawn mower, and more.

update-stamp-transformed.pngMowing the neighbor’s yard was pleasant, actually. Cool temps, plenty of sunshine with a slight breeze. I didn’t check on the mower before I started the job, telling myself to just get the job done and get to composting before it closed. The mower got worse and worse re: traction wheel turn rate. I finally decided to squeeze the traction handle as hard as I could. Presto! Problem solved. Traction works like it did when I bought it new almost eight years ago.
So. Something in the technical bits under the hood is getting old and needs checked into. Sounds a lot like me. I’ll check the mower eventually. No need to check it now, right, it’s working fine!
Today: More good weather on tap. Instead of kayaking, I’ll chauffeur Kim to the eye doctor later this morning. The piece of ‘driftwood’ in one eye that’s always clouding part of her vision needs more laser zaps to help break it apart. Annnnd, a similar situation has started in her other eye. They must dilate her eyes for the procedure(s).
24-08-23-scintillating-scotoma.gifSpeaking of eyes, it’s been oh, around four years or so since I’ve had one of these.
Hmmm. I may just work on the mower when I get back. No time like the present. We’ll see.
Oh. The doggos and I got to Vander Veer yesterday after coffee and before the yard work. A great visit; half the time it was just the four of us, the other half was stopping to visit with other parkers. It was busy for a weekday. I got to thinking that maybe many of them were playing hooky from work as it was such a nice day out. And it was the last day of summer vacation for the kiddos, the Davenport school year starts today.
24-08-23-gunwale.jpgOh. I had to take the doggos to Vander Veer in our tiny little SUV because the van is full to the gunwales with lawn equipment and kayak paddles and life vests and a bunch of other kayaking stuff. There’s two spare tires in there (van and kayak trailer) annnd it needs a cleanout. Something else to do today. I could bring it into the back yard so the doggos can help me get things sorted. Cheers.

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