Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Aug 21 (Wed) - Update


update-hand-holding-sign.pngOne visitor to the blog may recognize the acronym: Seeds, Weeds, and Trash.
Sunday Aug 18 - I started laundry then worked on an inside project. I’ll share more about that in future articles.
Monday Aug 19 - I mowed our yards. They were neat as a pin when I finished. For whatever reason that was more fatiguing than usual. Late that afternoon Ahn knocked on the front door, there was trouble with his house telephone - he has a base station type deal. I went over and eventually got that sorted out. I also made a phone call on his behalf about a recurring problem, I think I got that fixed. He compensated me for my time by handing me not one but two good-sized tin cans of Wild Pink Salmon.
Tuesday Aug 20 - Coffee was okay, there were three of us. After that I gassed up the van and food shopped. After lunch I hauled my lawn mower and a few big lawn and leaf bags over to Kyle’s place and mowed his outside yards. His house is on a corner lot where the grass outside his fenced-in yard is divided into sections, some of which slope and have elevation. I then brought six full lawn and leaf bags to composting. Once home I had time for a quick snooze before Kyle got off work. Kim and I talked with him about a few challenges he’s dealing with these days.
Today Aug 21 - I’ll be back over to Kyle’s house to finish his yards. Everything is past due for trimming and the grass in his back yard is extremely tall and very thick. His yard will be an all day project.
Looking forward - Thursday morning will be coffee, then I’ll tackle the neighbor’s yard. Friday is when Kim and I chose to go to WestLake. We’ll see how it goes. Cheers.

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