Sunday, August 18, 2024

Aug 18 (Sun) - Update


update-pinned-to-wire.pngAnother Floatzilla (FZ) is in the history books. For the first time I brought someone else with me. Two people, actually, their first time to the event. I had taken them on familiarization outings to a calm lake prior to FZ so they could acclimate.
We arrived on time and put in with no trouble. I noticed a distinct lack of people having fun. Sparse laughter, very few people wearing costumes, no bedazzled kayaks, no roving bands of pirates. No ‘Where’s Waldos’. I thought there were fewer people this year.
The wind picked up a few minutes after we put in and stayed that way until a few minutes before we arrived at the finish. The variable wind (just off our bows) with strong gusts translated into waves. Some were significant height relative to our kayaks. Whitecaps at times. You had to stay focused on the water and what might happen next. Nothing but churn as far as we could see down the river.
My colleagues were in no. hurry. at. all. A few easy dips on the paddle, then coast for awhile. The headwind didn’t help. My internal struggle was remaining aloof about our oh-so-slow progress. I turned my mind to concentrating on the water conditions while keeping an eye on them. They did quite well in spite of the waves. We were passed by many dozens of people making good time in spite of the wind and waves.
The solid overcast kept the temps reasonable. The overcast began breaking up and clumping together to form clumpy-looking clouds with dark bases. Rain was in the forecast for later in the afternoon.
24-0-08-18-floatzilla-01.jpgWe sat in the lock for 20 minutes before they began draining the thing. The calm water led me to take a few pictures. A few things to note. Lack of pirates and lack of people in general, and almost solid overcast.
24-0-08-18-floatzilla-02.jpgWe eventually paddled into the destination to find it barely occupied. I briefly spoke with Kathy (FZ choreographer) who was still there. She said registrations were down this year by about a hundred (my estimation about six percent). She mentioned there were quite a few packets that weren’t claimed, outstretched arm towards the pile of t-shirts and envelopes still there on a white-top folding table. The forecast may have been a factor.
I got home at 5:05 and had the kayaks put to bed a few minutes later. The heavens opened up just as the doggos and I were walking from the garage to the house. Just. In. Time. Kim had left a note on the door, “At church with Mom, dogs fed at 4:00”. A food event at the church drew her in.
I feel pretty good today, I should have no problem getting things done. Laundry at least, we’ll see what happens besides that.
Oh. The weather will be nice this week. I’m going to plan a kayaking, just Kim and I. Cheers.

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