Monday, August 12, 2024

Aug 12 (Mon) - Update

Let’s do this.

update-pinned-to-wire.pngYesterday was busy. I mowed the neighbor’s lawn in the AM as planned. I then prepped the van and trailer so everything was parked out front and ready to roll by the time Matt arrived. Our trial run at the lake was nearly perfect. He and I are all set for Floatzilla.
Well, I’m almost all set. I couldn’t find the dry bag for my cell phone so I left it in the van. I’ve already donated two pair of eyeglasses to bodies of water from North Dakota to the QCA, no need to tempt fate with phones. I’ll keep looking this week, if I don’t find it I may buy a replacement.
Yesterday evening I registered four people for Floatzilla including myself. One registrant bowed out this morning. I may be able to fill that slot, we’ll see.
The next step in prepping for Floatzilla is a neighbor. He was last in the water many decades ago, I’m guessing it’s been at least forty years ago. This week’s weather forecast is dicey; rain at various rates on and off all week. Tomorrow morning looks like the best time to get him in the water. I’ll bring him up to Lost Grove Lake so he can get acclimated. I want to be back to the house NLT 1:30 or so as that’s when Kim will leave for work.
The forecast for Saturday is still murky, currently showing a slight chance of rain all day. I hope that forecast improves.
As for Kim’s job, she had interviewed at a mom & pop towing shop what, almost a month ago, and hadn’t heard anything since. They contacted her out of the blue on Friday I think, asking if she could start today. Business has picked up so they need someone a few hours every afternoon. Nooo… she won’t be driving a truck, it’s office work and dispatching.
Today I plan on taking it easy as I’ve been busy the last few days. I’m not as young as I used to be. Cheers.

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