Sunday, July 14, 2024

Jul 14 (Sun) - Update

Here’s another update.

update-pinned-to-wire.pngJul 11 (Thu) - There were two of us at coffee, the funeral director and I. The main topic of discussion was movies. It was fairly miserable outside but I got home and mowed our lawn anyway. It had to be done. Trimmed while I was at it. I got done too late to get to composting so that had to wait.
Jul 12 (Fri) - The neighbor’s lawn needed work, I got started on that a little later than I wanted. It was more hotter and more humid than the day before but at least I didn’t try to do both lawns in one day. I worked through lunch and pushed to the landfill (composting has moved out there due to flooding). On the bright side they weren’t charging for dropoffs which was nice because I had seven bags.
It took me the rest of Friday to decompress.
Jul 13 (Sat) - Five at coffee. The book-editing geographer and retired art teacher were back from Michigan with stories to tell. There were a dozen or so folks staying at the family cabin lake-side. Turned out to be too much for the antiquated septic system. So they rented a porta-pottie and a small backhoe and took turns digging in the dirt. They’ll have to hire someone to do it the way it needs to be done. Elizabeth stopped by as well. She heads to Vermont on Tuesday.
I got home from coffee, aired up the tires on the van, collected two neighbors and the three of us struck out in search of a used recliner. Sleeping on one of those can be beneficial if one has back problems. We found it on our third stop. Perfect size, shape, and color and in terrific shape. $60 all in. Got it back to their place and hustled it up a very narrow winding staircase.
Back home it was a late lunch and a struggle to stay awake. Three days out in the heat.
Jul 14 (Sun) - Who knows what today may bring. I fed the doggos and then the four of us walked out into the back yard for extrusion collection under a light shower. The light rain may be part of a ‘cold front’ that’s slowly working its way NNE. All that heat and humidity is headed straight for the greater Boston area, I hope they’re ready for it. Cheers.

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