Thursday, June 27, 2024

Jun 27 (Thu) - Today’s Plan

So far, so good.

I got Willow to the groomer on time and then went to coffee. Carm the architect was there, a pleasant surprise.
It’s lunch time.
24-06-27-fence-project.pngI put a green arrow on the map, it points to the SW corner of our property between the garage and the fence that runs NS. There’s a narrow space there, about six feet wide. I park the little 4′x8′ trailer with the three kayaks on it back there beside the garage. It barely fits.
To get the trailer out I have to take down a section of garden fence and then pull and maneuver the trailer north along the fence line, avoiding the garden and the shed. After the trailer is in the back yard proper I have to put that section of garden fence back up. Then I back the van into the back yard and connect the trailer. The dogs are inside the whole time because of the garden and escaping into the neighborhood as I get the van in and out of the yard. The whole process is a pain in the butt.
Well, there’s an old, beat-up piece of fence and narrow gate back there between the garage and the NS fence. I’m gonna spend some time out there today doing something about that fence and gate. The goal is to be able to open a six foot wide gate and then roll the trailer directly out into the alley. Stay tuned.
Oh. A few minutes ago Kim lugged the Bissell carpet cleaner upstairs, the girls are now busy cleaning cahpits. Lydia is napping next to me, Mavis is probably upstairs helping the girls. Tomorrow if the weather is nice we’ll go to Vander Veer.

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