Monday, June 24, 2024

Jun 24 (Mon) - Update

Keeping you in the loop.

update-stamp.pngLate yesterday morning as I was preppin’ to go outside for yard work, Kim announced she was heading out for some quick shopping. With six dogs in my care (two of which do NOT like it when she leaves) I stayed inside and wired in the lamp over the dining room table. The only bulbs we have aren’t dimmable so I’ll run out and get some of those either today or tomorrow. .
Then I trimmed and mowed our place. Ate a late lunch. The kids showed up around 4. They both looked tired. They didn’t stay long, collected their doggos and headed home.
Today I’ll get the neighbor’s yard dialed in, then a trip to composting. Hey. I could get those bulbs while I’m out. Two birds, one stone. Smaht thinkin’ there. Haven’t driven the van in a while so need to do that. Three things! A trifecta!
There’s an air show in town so the Thunderbirds and an F-35 or two have been rippin’ around the QCA practicing and hopefully boosting ticket sales. Today’s their last day.
There’s quite a bit of construction going on downtown re: flood mitigation. Honkin’ big pipes are being buried along the river’s edge, a lift station is going in downhill from our place. Looking forward: some levee wall will be built and at least two intersections in the middle of downtown are gonna be raised. Just avoid downtown unless you’re curious.
That’s it for now. Cheers.

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