Sunday, June 23, 2024

Jun 23 (Sun) - Update

Actually, at this point it’s just a proposal.

Everyone was up early this morning, six dogs in the house makes that a certainty.
Kyle and Sami dropped off their doggos yesterday morning and then headed east to Sami’s parents in central Illinois. They’ll be back later today.
Yesterday I mentioned I might wire up that new lamp. I ended up taking a snooze instead. After that I threw together a short script and two icons to go with.
24-06-23-mirror-script.pngThere’s several folders in my workstation that are full of files I’d rather not lose. So I keep a mirror image (exact copy) of those folders on a second disk.
The picture shows the upper left corner of my screen.
When I pause as I’m working, I’ll sometimes click that icon which copies the most recent changes over to the second disk. Thus the mirror stays updated. While the mirror is being updated the icon changes to a red background to show it’s working. Usually takes a second or two to send the changes over.
Enough about that. The cold cool front rolled across eastern Iowa last night, all we got were some minor rumblings. It’s supposed to be about 10 degrees cooler today so I plan on mowing lawns starting around 10-ish. Maybe 10:30. I plan on trimming, too. Last time I did that it took around four hours to knock everything out. We’ll see what happens. Cheers.

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