Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Lamp Project

We made some progress on this one.

24-06-22-existing-lamp.jpgThe story so far is that we never really liked the light fixture that hangs over the table we eat at that’s located in a bay to the side of the main room. The finish is appropriate; old.dark, heavy brass with a touch of patina and some silverleaf that Kim applied here and there. But it’s too small for the space and not close enough to the table to be of much value at casting light.
Over the years we had collected a few alternatives to choose from as replacements. Kim’s favorite was a painted metal chandelier-type deal that would provide direct lighting via five candle-type thingies. In my opinion that fixture wasn’t quite a good match for the space.
The other option was a very heavy round ‘boob lamp’ as it has been described. A very thick frosted glass ‘bowl’ that conceals the three bulb sockets. Surrounding all that glass is a robust cast alloy wheel under which hang some more cast metal bits. More cast pieces that lead from the center of the glass bowl up to the chain attachment point. We both thought this fixture would be way to big for the space.
I brought that large, heavy fixture up from the basement and set it on the table where we both agreed it may be okay for size. The best way to find out would be to take the existing lamp down and hang up the big heavy one.
24-06-22-new-lamp.jpgLong story short I partly disassembled the big heavy lamp so it had ‘more chain’ and fewer pieces in the center of the lamp. I swapped out the old lamp for the heavy one, adjusted the chain length and voila. It should work just fine. I still have to remove excess links and wire it in. I may do that today but if the way I’m feeling right now is an indicator, it may wait until tomorrow or later.
I’ll put the metal flowery candelabra-style lamp in Kim’s craft room, she has a sewing corner that could use a bit more light. Cheers.

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