Wednesday, May 15, 2024

May 15 (Wed) – Update

My cup overfloweth so this is gonna be short.

update-pinned-to-wire.pngKim cancelled both pet chiro appointments because reason.


Sami’s car hit a pothole yesterday, Kyle says the front end is now making (what sound like expensive) noises. He and I will look at it sometime today either before or after his appointment.


The neighbor’s yard needs TLC all around.


The rivers and lakes beckon.


We won the lottery. Almost a thousand miles of roads in this city and ours was selected for repairs this year. When I put in the back fence along the alley I located it such that two vehicles can fit between it and the alley tarmac so we should be okay. I know they’re at least gonna mill a couple inches off the tarmac because I can read what they spray painted at each end of street.


Breakfast and a few chores are done, others await. Cheers.

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