Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 12 (Sun) – Update

Here’s the haps.

update-hand-holding-sign.pngFriday was uneventful, so uneventful I can’t remember what I did that day. Saturday started with coffee. I got up real early and biked to the coffee shop. I returned to three hungry doggos. Kim had left early in the morning and was with Mom at a church sale. Kim has been sewing up shopping bags for the past week, ended up selling several, and a few other things.


I fed the dogs lunch and then got caught up on news, sports, and weather. Kim and Ellen came home mid-afternoon. I spent the rest of the day working on a software project.


Sunday I continued hammering away at the software project, skipped lunch because I wasn’t hungry, then saddled up the herd and went to Vander Veer. It was in the low 80s with scattered cumulus and a breeze or two. Walking through the park I hear people calling out “Can we pet Willow?” so we go over. Happened seven times today.


A busy week next week. On Monday Kyle gets his last ketamine shot for awhile. It’s been a rocky few weeks for him but he’s in better shape at this end of it. The shot is late in the morning. In the afternoon I will drive over to Kyle’s place and Kim and I will take a look at the garage door and see what needs done to get it to fit better. Tuesday is coffee and taking three dogs to the pet chiro. Wednesday is take the kids three dogs to the pet chiro. Thursday is coffee for me, Kim will drive to the village of Bishop Hill for a quilting thing. She may also go there on Saturday and Sunday.


Kyle got his yards mowed but while doing that the mower tried to cut a chunk of concrete hidden in the tall grass. So I now need to re-sharpen that mower blade. Cheers.

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