Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 12 (Sun) – Triking Along the Mississippi

Some pictures of the local area.

24-05-12-river-map-picture-1.jpgI took a few pictures while I was triking home from coffee the other day. I’ll post the pictures one by one, full size so they may load slow on some devices.


24-05-11-miss-triking-pic-1.jpgThis first picture was taken at a wider part of the river, pointing south. As you can see, some pelicans were perched on a few trees that are sandbagged on the edge of a shallow. You could wade from the bike path out to the tree and maybe get your waist wet. The main course of the river ignores that bend in the river up to the marina that’s about a half mile to the west (to the right) of where I took this picture.


When I kayak the Mississippi I usually come down the river on the Illinois side, along the Army Arsenal you see on the opposite side of the river in this picture. Sometimes I cut across the river to the Iowa side, I once cruised across this very shallow. My paddle could easily touch bottom. In other places the river is as much as 50 feet deep. The river is currently full, the main channel moving along at about a 3 mile an hour.

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