Friday, May 10, 2024

May 10 (Fri) – Update

Let’s do this.

update-post-it.pngThe plan for Wednesday was to mow. Which I did.


I dug into the work, getting everything done by 2 pm working non-stop. That included trimming, mowing, bags to composting, and really cleaning everything I used. After lunch I snoozed.


Thursday was coffee, then groceries, then home to four anxious dogs and no humans. I put the groceries up and had lunch. Kim came back mid-afternoon. Kyle did much better, she said. I fiddled with this and that, then crashed.


Today is much cooler than it’s been these last few days. Titania stayed overnight as the kids had appointments this morning. If I do anything of any value today it’ll be inside stuff. We’ll see. Cheers.

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