Saturday, April 13, 2024

Apr 13 (Sat) – Update

A day late, dang it.

update-envelope.pngApr 12 (Fri) - Man did I sleep two nights ago. Woke at 8:45 when I was good and ready, not because some noise or eager dog decided it was time for me to wake up. I got right to work. I vacuumed a bunch of floors and a few other things, then tidied up the kitchen before breakfast. After breakfast I mowed our side yard and out by the alley. I managed to fit four large bags of grass and leaves and a golden retriever into the micro-SUV and dropped everything but the dog into the drop-off pile at the composting facility.


Back home I pulled dandelions out of the back yard. I’m gonna try to stay on top of those without using pesticides or home remedies. I did lunch (a veggie-supposed-to-be-like-chicken patty sandwich) then I saddled the herd and coerced them into the SUV (their first time in the car so they were a bit nervous) and we spent a whole bunch of time at Vander Veer. A little on the windy side but otherwise awesome weather. Lotsa pets interspersed with squirrel chasing.


Back home I almost decided to call it quits but instead brought a few rakes over to the neighbor’s yard and raked all the small branches and twigs off to one side. I left everything on the narrow concrete walkway that runs along the side of his yard. After that it was time to slow down for the day.


I perched in front of the computer intending to deal with email and stuff but ended up dozing off. I didn’t want to do that. Thus ended my day, pretty much.


Apr 13 (Sat) - I went to coffee, there were three of us all in. The place was hoppin’ ‘cuz there’s a bunch of stuff going on in the area causing people to stop by for drinks and stuff. After coffee I pulled into a grocery store on the way home, hoping to find some brioche buns or something similar. For my sandwiches. I was after a light bread that’s more crispy (maybe even call it dryer) than usual. I don’t like the commercial, made-in-Chicago-then-trucked-down-to-the-Quad-Cities, white, doughy, vitamin fortified, wheat stripped of all goodness type of bun. I suppose I could try to learn to make what I want but that’d be like me trying to build a rocket ship for a visit to the moon. At least I think it would. I found no such bunnage so I came home empty handed.


I just ate my last Ambrosia apple and a few crackers. That’ll hold me for a bit. I’m gonna bring some gardening implements over to the neighbor’s yard and finish it up. Bag the twigs and branches and remaining leaves… then mow. Then drive it all to composting. Tomorrow is the last day for free drop-off at composting until this fall. Last week I committed to getting as much stuff to composting as I could and I will have done it. With one day to spare.


After that Ill do lunch, then it’s back to Vander Veer. Absolutely perfect weather today. Tomorrow will be unseasonably warm, I’ll get Kyle’s car into my garage and get to work on that engine harness. Cheers.

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