Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Apr 10 (Wed) – Update

I’ve done it again.

update-stamp.pngI’ve been trying to post articles more often but my blog says two days have passed since my last article.


I said I’d work on Kyle’s garage on Sunday, that didn’t happen due to weather. Not that the weather was bad but because it was good. Too good to be in a musty, dingy garage. There’s no hurry on the garage.


A few things happened on Monday, nothing worth noting.


Tuesday started with coffee. It’s good to have the architect in attendance again. The (rather) big news is that the artist wife of the geographer, certified inclement weather monitor, ex-mountain climber, manuscript editor (among other things) has been preparing to display some of her paintings in the Moline public library. The boys and I plan on our first cuppa at Dead Poet’s some morning, then caravan over to the library to view her paintings. The library has a coffee shop of sorts so we’ll continue drinking while we wander about and (quietly) discuss her art. She should be there. I’m trying to convince Kim and Ellen to go to coffee that day. That’d be awesome.


Yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon I spent working on the neighbor’s yard. I didn’t get all the leaves out of his yard last fall so I focused on that. I started at, oh, 3 pm or so and finished around dusk. Fourteen bags all in. I’m feeling it this morning.


Today, after sleeping in, posting this article, and payin’ a few bills, I’ll hustle those packed-full leaf bags over to composting. Willow can’t come with because those bags are currently packed inside the van along with a lawn mower, a rake, a broom, a pair of wellies, a leaf blower and attachments, a hunnert foot heavy dootie extension cord and some other stuff. Once back I may will probably take the dogs to Vander Veer. It’s supposed to rain later today and not stop for a day or two. Better to get them to the park or cabin fever might infect the herd. Can’t have that.


Kim and Kyle are busily working on an order of 30 flower-arrangement-in-vase type of deals for Sami’s mom. I’ll try to put a photo on the blog. I’ll do taxes tomorrow during the rain. There’s still plenty of time but I don’t want to wait until the last minute. Cheers.

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