Sunday, April 7, 2024

Apr 7 (Sun) – Update

Here’s an update.

update-post-it.pngIt ws mid-morning yesterday when I posted the last article. After that I went outside to start prepping to go work on Kyle’s garage. I soon decided it was too nice a day to be inside a musty garage and that there is no hurry for the garage so I texted him that I wouldn’t be over. I decided to do yard work with Ellen instead.


Spring has sprung and Ellen is in ‘yard-work’ mode. The front yard is first. She has already carried in all the winter yard art and replaced it with summer yard art. Next up is raking leaves and general cleanup, mostly from the small flower beds on either side of the front porch. She and I were discussing a plan of action as we slowly walked through the front gate into the back yard. We weren’t paying attention to three dogs that quickly made their escape. Willow stayed where I could see her but the two terriers just raced each other out of site. That took just a few seconds.


Willow came back inside in less than half a minute. I got keys and leads to jangle and started walking round the block. Two terriers joined up with me on the opposite side of our block, then followed me home without needing harnesses or anything. I decided to take them to Vander Veer. We spent quite some time there. Tulips are up everywhere. Daffodils, too. We slogged through some marshy terrain around the stone bridge. It was breezy but nice. Lots of visits for pets and chats.


Back home it was lunch for all, after which I lost track of time. Around 4 pm I loaded seven large paper lawn and leaf bags into the van. I thoroughly cleaned the gutter in front of our place. Willow and I will bring those bags to composting facility today after I eat lunch.


Just after 9 pm we were watching something mundane on TV when the doorbell rang. I stepped onto the front porch to to talk with officer somebody or other. The streetlights revealed our street crawling with cops, half a dozen police cruisers perched here and there. Officers were shining lights all over houses looking for fresh holes. A drive-by shooting four houses down and could he please look at the video from the front two cameras on our house?


We looked. Two cars of interest drove by, the first cruiser arrived less than a minute after it was called in. I copied the video to a thumb drive for someone to pickup some time today. It’s time for lunch. After that I’ll take Willow and leaf bags to composting. It was dreary rain all morning but is quickly clearing up. Tomorrow will be clear for the eclipse. We’re at 90% totality so that’ll be somethin’. Cheers.

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