Friday, February 16, 2024

Feb 16 (Fri) - Update


Today’s animal cracker was a koala hugging a tree limb with affection.


I can’t give the weather forecasters a pass on this one. The last report I saw before retiring last night was that everything was sliding north. I woke up to microscopic particles of snow slowly falling straight down. As of now there’s about a half inch on the grass and dirt, Ellen says it’ll stop early this afternoon.


Kyle probably won’t stop by today, he has two games this weekend and must prep.


Kim is heading out to help someone put up some shelves, and tackle a utility room that’s long past due for some TLC. I’m staying put with three of the finest canines that ever drew breath.


I spoke too soon re: my computer update went well. I print a test page every day to prevent the ink jets from corking up, today’s print didn’t so I have that to fix. I’m 99% sure the problem lies within CUPS. The last release was back in late May 2022 so i’m thinking a config got clobbered during the update. Wish me luck. Cheers.

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