Thursday, February 15, 2024

Feb 15 (Thu) - Update


The dog’s visit to the chiro went well. All doggos did fine and were rewarded for their fineness.


I delivered Willow to the groomer on time then went to coffee. Four of us all in. A busy day at Dead Poet’s Expresso.


I’m taking it easy this afternoon while I wait for Colleen to call and let me know that Willow is ready. I didn’t take my evening meds last night and so slept terrible. Finally realized the problem at 3 AM and finally dropped off around 5. Up at 6:45. So I’m tired and my neck is a mess. I’m not complaining, just putting it out there.


(The theme from the first Indiana Jones movie just started playing softly in the background. Cool.)


Kyle had a Drs. appt today and is now busy in the basement burning wood. Kim is back upstairs watching crafting vids with three dogs around her. Bliss.


I solved a vexing problem with the blog commenting system, which is good. I actually spent almost two hours looking at alternatives to FlatPress. If I hadn’t been able to solve the problem I’d be looking at trying something else.


I last updated my computer several months ago and decided to tackle that today. Got that done without any problems and everything seems to work fine. A major update to Plasma (the Desktop Environment) drops in a month, I need to be ready for that. I’ll update the server sometime in the next few days. That’s it for now. Cheers.

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