Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Feb 13 (Tue) - Update


This morning’s animal cracker was ape-like, I think it was bigger than a chimpanzee. So what, right?


It’s just after mid-day as I type this. Kim and Kyle have eaten lunch and are out shopping for shellac. I fed all four dogs, they are now taking a snooze.


Yesterday was my first day with LibreWolf. It runs fine except for fonts.


24-02-13-fonts.pngThe picture to the left has two examples of wonky text due to fonts. The left screenshot is from a web site I visited, on the right is what my blog looks like. In both cases it’s text near the apostrophe that suffers, but only certain fonts.


It’s a good bet that browsers used by most visitors to this blog won’t see font problems. LibreWolf sometimes displays wonky text because it doesn’t visit Google behind the scenes just to download fonts. That’s right, Google’s grip on the WWW is so strong it reaches down to the very fonts used for text.


Enough about that. I’m going to sit out the rest of today because I’m feeling off after doing a bit of grocery shopping. Swiveling my head around is just the ticket for making me feel sub-par. Cheers.


Oh, I forgot. In my last article I mentioned an article I found on the web but I forgot to include the link. The article was from a privacy and security perspective. a review of browsers.

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