Monday, February 12, 2024

Feb 12 (Mon) - Update


This morning’s animal cracker was either a leopard or a female lion. Hard to tell with animal crackers sometimes. Kim couldn’t help figure it out. Lack of coffee may have played a part.


For the 30 minute wait time I filled my pill manager for the week. I think that’s what they’re called. I usually do that after Sunday breakfast but yesterday my get up and go had got up and went.


I called Willow’s groomer to talk about an appointment, it’s been two months now. Had to leave a message. She still takes Willow even though handling big dogs is hard for her these days. I may have to find another groomer, something I’m not looking forward to.


So yesterday. I was going to test-drive LibreWolf. Before I got started I found this article. I had stumbled across it ages ago and somehow managed to do so again. He definitely knows what he’s writing about.


After reading his article I downloaded and test-drove Ungoogled-Chromium. I struggled with that browser for about an hour before I threw in the towel. If I had that much trouble trying to install one extension, well, life is too short for stuff like that.


I took a snooze, felt better after that. Installed LibreWolf with little fanfare. Switched the tab bar from horizontal (across the top) to down the left side. That’s it. That’s all the customization I do.


It’s a good browser, does what it says on the tin. Hopefully it stays that way.


Today I plan on getting back into the basement and working on the exhaust fan project for awhile. Cheers.

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