Sunday, February 11, 2024

Feb 11 (Sun) - Update

It’s mid-morning. I stayed up until the early hours listening to music while doing a bit of research.

Willow insisted that I get out of bed earlier than I wanted. It’s something she started doing not too long ago.


So I got up, took the proton pump inhibitor, washed it down with one animal cracker (it was a lion) and since I had a half hour to kill before I should eat anything I broke out the vacuum and got busy.


During last night’s music session I found myself struggling with Pale Moon. Another browser named Falkon (if there’s a “K” in the name don’t be surprised if it’s part of the KDE ecosystem) was misbehaving as well.


Being unable to solve the issue with Falkon (had to do with an optional library for which there was NO available information on the web) I turned to live chat.


I ended up spending about an hour (while listening to music) chatting with a handful of people who were a great help. Long story short, I would probably never be able to get those two browsers where I want them to be.


Pale Moon was forked from Firefox ages ago and for philosophical reasons will forever remain of limited use. The folks at KDE may say that Falkon is still being actively developed but the pace of dev and their road map will probably mean the same thing.


Galisma suggested Floorp, Maria; LibreWolf. Both of these are Firefox forks.


Floorp is a very recent creation, the team has put a strong emphasis on it being very (or dare I say ‘wicked’) customizable. That’s not what I’m after.


Librewolf emphasizes privacy and security. For whatever reason(s) I recall checking into Librewolf a while ago but deciding against it.


I After leaving the chat I stopped by their home page and took a look around. I like most of what I saw. So… I’m going to spend some time this morning taking LW for a spin.


Chilly temps have returned, some snow is on the schedule off and on this week, shouldn’t amount to much. Not like in New England where the forecast is for 9-12 inches in central Massachusetts on, like, Tuesday. Cheers.

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