Thursday, February 8, 2024

Feb 8 (Thu) - Update

Kyle is doing okay.

He’s here fairly regular, bringing Titania with. He works with lasers while he’s here.


Kim alternates between a quilt annnd… coasters, at the moment. The coasters are for others for their fund raising efforts. In summary, lasers have cut countless coin-sized geometric shapes which are fixed to a coaster-sized disk of wood. Painting the first batch is scheduled for tomorrow, outside as the weather is unseasonably warm and pleasant.


Ellen has yet to decide on knee surgery. She’s still a busy bee, out and about doing this and that, mostly for others.


I got back from coffee today and got straight to work on the air compressor in the garage. I made a few repairs, confirmed leak-proof operation, then gingerly drove the van around the block to our garage so I could fill two nearly empty tires. Both vehicles need a bath.


I then got pulled from the house to the van by three dogs that were way too jazzed up about going to Vander Veer. The dogs got caught up on scents and whatnot while I tried to keep my gyros from tumbling.


I’ve been glued to this keyboard and monitor, trying to wrap my head around this application I’ve fixated on. I’m not cut out for this kind of thing, at least not anymore. I want to prove to myself that I can do this but there’s countless other things I can say the same thing about, tangible things.


Nevertheless I’ve swallowed the bait, the hook, and plenty of line. I’ll continue in the direction I’ve chosen until the wheels start falling off.


There are no sweets in the house except for Ambrosia apples. They’re my go-to… very crisp and sweet. But there are no pies, no ice cream, no pastry, no nuthin’. I ask myself if it’s worth it every time my mind wanders toward the kitchen. Cheers.

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