Monday, January 15, 2024

Jan 15 (Mon) – Update

Here’s more news about this and that.

update-post-it.pngCraft room: It’s been quiet down there the last week or so. Most of the laser cutting is done, now there’s a bunch of boxes that need glue-up. Kyle hasn’t been by for various reasons. He cancelled today because his garage door opener is on the fritz due to the crazy low temps.


Kim had spent a little time down there a few days ago, just long enough to foul up the one and only cutting board that’s currently in work. It may be salvageable but it’ll take some doin’. Time will tell.


Me? My hands and feet are always cold. Wearing a knit hat around the house helps some. I’m almost ready to start wearing those clever feet and hand warmers. You know… Those ones that are like small white bags filled with coffee grounds. I think they’re full of a blend of cobalt 60 and past-good-date plutonium from the pits of nuclear bombs. I know it’s just ground up iron but where’s the fun in that?


I’m saving, oh, about $84 a year now that I stopped using ZeroSSL to create the https: certificates for my web sites. I now use a freeware script that pulls certs from Let’s Encrypt. Now that I know how the new process works I couldn’t be happier.


I stopped working on the new exhaust system for the laser cutters. It’s low priority now that there’s not three of them running at the same time.


I’ve been working on the database for SimDocs. I’ve never designed a relational database before so I’m learning as I go. I think the tech stack for the database is gonna be MySQL for the database, web pages will be html, css and some ajax and xml folded into the mix. It’s practically free, wholesome, entertainment (for me at least) and way mre fun than trying to repair twenty-five year old thermostats. Cheers.

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