Monday, January 15, 2024

Jan 15 (Mon) – The Weather

We’ve had…. interesting weather lately.

24-01-15-karl-swattin-snowflakes.jpgThat’s Karl, post-coffee, four days ago.


Last week we had two major snowfalls in one week, I’m told that has never happened before in these parts. The second storm delivered 15 inches. A record with data going back to 1884.


24-01-15-car-dashboard-with-temp.jpgAnd it’s cold. 42 below freezing ambient when I went out to buy a thermostat. With winds it’s deadly out there. Just this morning Kim had to run out to the backyard to rescue Mavis, no harm done.


The kids lost power for, oh, around four hours the day after the second storm. 22 separate outages around Davenport so mostly tree limbs and stuff. We were fine.

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