Saturday, December 2, 2023

Kyle’s First Sale

That was quick!

23-12-02-box-of-boxes.jpgThese are a few boxes that Kyle will set aside for purposes other than a sale.


Yesterday evening Kyle and Kim brought the other five boxes over to the gaming shop. Those boxes have magnets to hold the lids closed rather than brass clasps as shown above.


While Kyle was talking with the proprietor a husband and wife team stepped inside, saw the boxes, and asked to look at one. They were impressed with the level of detail and construction quality. They bought all five boxes then and there.


Well. The proprietor asked Kyle for ten more, please, as soon as he could. Everyone got to talking and come to find out the couple that bought the boxes had a side business making stuff like that, they used a (get this) 100 watt industrial-grade CO2 (see-oh-two; or carbon dioxide) laser, among other tools. A hunnert frickin’ watts of coherent light. Good golly Miss Molly! It’s up for sale, too. Let us forever remain silent about this multi-thousand dollar opportunity.


Well, Kyle was (and is) psyched about his first sale. He opened a storefront on Etsy and will get to work on those boxes. Kim and I are almost beside ourselves with pleasure, seeing him like this. Another small step.

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