Friday, November 17, 2023

Update - Nov 17

Here’s an update on what’s doing.

update-envelope.pngMy dentist appt went fine, I got good grades. Next week is a visit with the doc. I expect he’ll want to put me back on a statin and little more. That should work for the next six months.


A few days ago the three of us discussed the card box that Kim and Kyle are putting together. We all chipped in ideas that made a big difference in the end result. The PITA tiny brass hinges and clasp are out, replaced by a wooden hinge that‘s an extension of the basic pieces and a strong magnetic clasp. Kyle will take the prototype to the gaming store and talk terms with the owner.


Kim ordered a 20 watt laser cutter that will significantly reduce the time needed to cut stuff. It should be here in a few days. 20 watts of coherent light is a lot so we’ll have to be extra extra careful. It’s my job to upgrade the existing wood smoke venting system to accommodate both cutters.


As for the workbenches and whatnot, I moved some shelving around until I was mostly satisfied with their location, Kim approved. I need to extend the existing workbench so there’s more working space. I also need to buy a lot of shop lights. Then I’ll work on figuring out how to plug ‘em all in.


After coffee yesterday I took the pups to Vander Veer. They had a lot of catching up to do. The park was mostly empty but Willow got pets from one elderly lady that stopped to comment on my remahkable prowess on managing three dogs.


Outside temps are dropping back to normal for this time of year. I still have to rid our front yard and Kevin’s yard of leaves. I keep hoping a brief but intense wicked strong gust of wind will move them all elsewhere, wish me luck with that one. Cheers.

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