Monday, November 13, 2023

Bsmnt Wkbnch Proj – Day 3

I continue to make progress.

11-13-23-this-space-for-rent.pngNo picture today, just a text update.


It seems the epoxy work that I did yesterday took its toll on Kim and Ellen. Kim spent her time elsewhere, the smell in the basement was too strong for her. Ellen opened all the windows as the odor got into the HVAC system and traveled upstairs.


I went down there this morning and both workbenches are welded to the wall, going nowhere fast. I loaded them up with woodworking appliances and moved a bunch of stuff around.


Kyle and Titania came over late in the morning, Kyle took ketamine and chilled while Kim fussed about and I continued in the basement. We’re thinking Kyle’s recent doldrums are due to lack of ketamine due to insurance and stuff like that. It’s surprising what one treatment can do.


Lunch was at Ellen’s, zucchini hot dish with chocolate cake for dessert.


11-13-23-mini-shelves.pngI didn’t go into the basement after lunch except to discuss floor plan and next steps with Kim. We agreed: I’m done building workbenches for now. The layout has floor space for some shelves. Those are next which I’ll build from scrap lumber.


11-13-23-shark-teeth.pngI have a dental appoint tomorrow afternoon so I may not get into the basement tomorrow morning. I was fairly wiped out this afternoon but avoided takin’ a snooze. It’ll be an early night tonight, I’m hoping to get caught up on sleep. Cheers.

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