Friday, November 10, 2023

Spam Tracker

Hi folks. I’ve added an exciting new blog feature.

23-11-10-spam-tracker.pngHere it is! It’s exactly what it looks like.


This is (obviously) the first seven days of data, I’ll be posting an updated chart every Friday until I get fed up.


After refreshing my memory on how to calculate a least squares regression line I’m sitting here staring at the worksheet and asking myself a few questions, like: With a lengthening to-do list why did I take the time to do math? Are the colors and fonts okay? What’s the end game? Why can’t I blink?


I don’t have answers, stuff just is. Anyway… drop a non-spam comment if you think the chart could be improved wrt color, font, shape, size.


Oh, I almost forgot. If you’d like to look at some spam comments in the privacy of your own space just let me know. To each their own, I pass no judgments on anyone. I’ll zip up a carefully curated collection of comments and send ‘em your way.

Last 8 comments
