Monday, November 6, 2023


I did it again.

24-11-07-update-stamp.pngI haven’t posted in quite some time.


Mainly because nothin’s been goin’ on. A few chilly days when we all stay in except for a few dogs that want outside thru the now-closed off doggo door in the bottom of the kitchen door.


Seymour, our adventurous indoor-outdoor cat, caught a mouse and got it as far as the back porch and spent some time batting it around as it was still very much alive. Fortunately for us the doggo door was closed off and he could go no further with it.


The new (to us) car needs a good goin’ over. Whoever details cars at that dealership does a poor job.


Kim puts time into small wooden boxes, staining and whatnot. If I understand things correctly the first dozen or so are ready for delivery.


Kyle, bless his heart, had been working with Kim until his sudden remark that he feels like he’s getting nowhere. He left for home shortly after that. Our concern for him and how he’s doing continues unabated. We still have a long way to go.


My plans for today are to make the rounds of the house, doing the monthly filter checks. I already got the dishwasher and the clothes washer done. I’ll look at furnace filters sometime today. I also need to prep the two whole-house humidifiers for their working season. O joy.


I have a few bills to post, they’re old-school requiring hand-written checks (ugh) and envelopes and stamps and such. I print the envelopes so that’s no big deal. But writing the checks! Seems to take forever ‘cuz I go slow enough for my scratchins to be somewhat legible. Am I whining here? Some people would be so happy just to be able to need to do stuff like that.


Oh. And I need to walk a furnace filter over to Kevin’s place and get that swapped out.


It’s nice enough for a trip to Vander Veer. We’ll see. All three of ‘em would certainly enjoy it, as would I except for the post-walk physiological repercussions. Now there’s a few $.25 words if ever there were.


That’s it for now. I’m thinking of hiring some AI to create a few blog posts. I wonder how those would read. Cheers.
  1. Carol

    Monday, November 6, 2023 - 22:03:16

    I don’t understand how the bots can post comments. How do they get past the math test?

    It’s hard for me to imagine the puppers not being able to go in and out of the dog door!

    I have checks sent via my credit union bill pay option. I set up the vendor as a payee and the CU sends them a check. I do this for work on the boat, for example, the guys who clean the bottom of the boat each month during the warm months. But I did have to dig out my checkbook to write a physical check (first in years) to pay the guys for the fuel polishing.

  2. Carol

    Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 07:29:18

    Thanks for sharing about Kyle. I can only send my loving concern and support for your family. I wish I could do more.

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