Sunday, October 22, 2023

Brown Bread

A second article in a row about food. Where’s the kitchen?

23-10-22-brown-bread.pngSomeone found some up in Lewiston.


This is (was) another favorite of mine. My recipe: Remove the scrunched aluminum foil cover from the top of the opened can. Turn the can over into the palm of your hand to let some bread out. Set the can sideways on a counter or plate. Slide the log of goodness back into the can leaving enough bread outside the can to make a slice about 1.5” thick.


Use the rim of the can as a guide so your very sharp knife can cut the slice with a consistent thickness. Warm the slice in a toaster but pop the toaster before the bread starts to get crispy. Remove toast from toaster then center it on a small plate. Slather the top with real budda. Enjoy!
  1. Carol

    Thursday, October 26, 2023 - 19:48:12

    I remember brown bread, but anything would taste good smothered in buttah hahaha.
    Thomas never heard of brown bread. I think it’s a New England thing.

  2. john

    Friday, October 27, 2023 - 10:40:43

    Yea. I’m tempted to order some.

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