Thursday, October 12, 2023

It’s a Cool, Damp Thursday

The sun is trying it’s best to make an appearance but heavy gray clouds aren’t cooperating.


Yesterday was a total loss as I spent the day recovering from a prescription medication misstep. I take the stuff three times a day with every meal.

It all started when I forgot to take the lunchtime dose on Tuesday. I didn’t realize I forgot about it until oh, around, 9 PM or so. So I doubled-dosed then and there. I knew from past experience what I was in for but there was nothing I could do about it.

I was awake until three AM with icy, tingly legs that wouldn’t keep still. At that point I got up and took a very small amount of a prescription med ‘for itching’, a side effect of which is becoming very tired. Within 30 minutes I was out.

I spent Thursday in a sort of altered state, getting nothing done. I watched the last two-thirds of Interstellar last night. I think it’s a mediocre movie but it was free so there’s that.

Kyle had a rough time yesterday. Instead of taking two smaller ketamine treatments each week he’s taking one stronger dose. They’re in lozenge form which he places under his tongue for a slow dissolve. No food or water.

A local pharmacy mixes the ingredients and presses them into shape, Kyle has experienced noticeable variation in strength from dose to dose. Well, yesterday’s lozenge hit im hard, the metallic taste being especially troublesome. It didn’t stay down for very long so this week’s treatment didn’t happen.

Kim has been busy moving crafting supplies between the two craft rooms, she plans on working with the laser cutter before too long.

That’s all for now.

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